css - iFrame Border Showing in WebView React Native -
in attempts dynamically add youtube videos react native app, chose use combination of webview , iframe since current react-native-youtube component doesn't work rn 16^. ultimately, solution work, iframe border still shows , not go away (even css or frameborder = 0), nor can change it's color css. ideas? here's code:
video-preview component (where users can see video, title, etc before tapping):
module.exports = react.createclass({ render: function() { return ( <touchablehighlight style={styles.touchcard} underlaycolor={'transparent'} onpress={this.props.onpress} > <view style={styles.card}> <webview style={styles.videopreview} automaticallyadjustcontentinsets={true} scrollenabled={false} style={styles.videopreview} html={this.props.source} renderloading={this.renderloading} rendererror={this.rendererror} automaticallyadjustcontentinsets={false} /> <view style={[styles.container, this.border('organge')]}> <view style={[styles.header, this.border('blue')]}> <text style={[styles.previewtext]}>{this.props.text}</text> </view> <view style={[styles.footer, this.border('white')]}> <view style={styles.sourcerow}> <view style={[this.border('white')]}> <imagebutton style={[styles.logobtn, , this.border('red'), styles.row]} resizemode={'contain'} onpress={this.onheartpress} source={this.props.src} /> </view> <view style={[this.border('white')]}> <text style={[styles.rowtext, {fontweight: 'bold'}]}>{this.props.entrybrand}</text> <text style={[styles.rowtext]}>{this.props.views}</text> </view> </view> <view style={[styles.heartrow, this.border('black')]}> <keywordbox style={[styles.category, this.border('blue')]} key={this.props.key} text={this.props.category} onpress={this.props.categorypress} selected={this.props.selected} /> </view> </view> </view> </view> </touchablehighlight> );
which looks this:
and input iframe html webview looks this:
<iframe style='border: 0;border-width: 0px;' scrolling='no' frameborder='0' width='320' height='300' src='https://www.youtube.com/embed/2b_qp9jgd7q'></iframe>
here's styling:
var styles = stylesheet.create({ centertext: { marginbottom:5, textalign: 'center', }, noresultstext: { margintop: 70, marginbottom:0, color: '#000000', }, sourcerow: { justifycontent: 'space-around', flexdirection: 'row', }, rowtext: { textalign: 'left', color: 'white', fontsize: 12, marginleft: 5, fontfamily: 'sfcompacttext-medium' }, detailtext: { fontfamily: 'sfcompacttext-light', fontsize: 18, color: 'white', textalign: 'left', margintop: 2, marginleft: 5, }, touchcard: { margin: 3, width: window.width*0.95, shadowoffset: {width: 2, height: 2}, shadowopacity: 0.5, shadowradius: 3, alignself:'center', }, card: { flex: 1, width: window.width*0.98, alignself:'center', }, hearttext: { color: 'white', fontsize: 12, fontweight: 'bold', alignself: 'center', fontfamily: 'sfcompacttext-medium' }, heartrow: { flexdirection: 'row', justifycontent: 'space-around', alignself: 'center', justifycontent: 'center', }, logobtn: { height: window.width/10, width: window.width/10, alignself:'center', }, heartbtn: { height: (92/97)*(window.width/13), width: window.width/13, alignself:'center', }, category: { fontfamily: 'bebas neue', fontsize: 10, fontweight: 'bold' }, header: { flex: 1, justifycontent: 'space-around', margintop: window.height/60, }, footer: { flex: 1, flexdirection: 'row', justifycontent: 'space-between', alignitems: 'center', margin: window.height/80, }, container: { flex: 1, backgroundcolor: '#1a1a1a', }, videopreview: { flex: 2, height: window.width*0.85, width:window.width*0.98, flexdirection: 'column' }, previewtext: { fontfamily: 'bebas neue', fontsize: 23, color: 'white', textalign: 'left', margintop: 2, marginleft: 5, }, });
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