- How Change in CodeBehind HeaderImage in GridView -

how dynamically change image in header?

the idea when grid created in "itemdatabound" event

this grid

<asp:datagrid id="dgmain" runat="server" gridlines="horizontal" autogeneratecolumns="false" allowpaging="false"> <columns>     <asp:boundcolumn datafield="pid" visible="false" />     <asp:templatecolumn headerstyle-width="80px" headerimageurl="ico_estadistica_despacho.png">         <itemtemplate>             <asp:imagebutton id="btnest" runat="server" borderwidth="0" imageurl="punto.png" commandname="estdesp"/>         </itemtemplate>     </asp:templatecolumn>     <asp:boundcolumn datafield="cotid" visible="false" /> </columns> </asp:datagrid> 

i tried something, did not work out.

 if e.item.itemtype = listitemtype.header         dgmain2.columns.item(1).headerimageurl = "/images/ico_estadistica_despacho_redi.png"   end if 


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