angularjs - ngroute : research not working for second time -

i'm having issue using ngroute,

everything works second time nothing shows. app :

var biapp = angular.module('biapp',['ngroute','nganimate','ngsanitize', 'massautocomplete','ngdialog','ngcookies']) .config(['$routeprovider', function($routeprovider){     $routeprovider.      when('/home', {         templateurl : 'views/home.html',         controller : 'mainctrl'     }).     when('/results', {         templateurl : 'views/results.html',         controller : 'resultctrl'     }).     otherwise({         redirectto : '/home'     }); }]); 
  1. i have index filters (search bars search data , display @ views/results.html) : <div ng-include="'views/filters.html'"></div> added view : <div ng-views></div>
  2. results.html show result searched in index, , have same filters.html included search results again .

when type data search @ when having home page works , shows me results page, when in results page try search data again not show,

controller : body of index have main controller wich controls searched data, should work resultspage wich have own controller.

part of controller when searching data , selecting suggested data:

    $scope.selected_clt = selected.obj;                                //show results     $cookiestore.put('client', $scope.selected_clt.client);     $ = "";     $location.path('results'); 

edit : after getting results, system not acess results controller

p.s : before using ngroute did work.

i appreciate help


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