swift - PFQuery not picking up variable -

a user enters text textfield, , want parse query results based on field. "kvc syntax challenged"!, wondering code need pick newtext var in parse filter. in advance can me...

 func wordentered(alert: uialertaction!){         // store new word         newtext = newwordfield.text! string         // query parse         getlist()     }    func getlist() {     let query = pfquery(classname: "wordlist")     query.wherekey("sharingcode", equalto: "@\(newtext)") // not picking newtext??      query.findobjectsinbackgroundwithblock { (objects:[pfobject]?, error:nserror?) -> void in         if error == nil && objects != nil {                 object in objects! {                  // process objects         } else {             print("error")         }     } } 


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