python - Terminate a gnome-terminal opened with subprocess -

using subprocess , command 'gnome-terminal -e bash' can open gnome-terminal desired (and have stick around). done either

p=subprocess.popen(['gnome-terminal', '-e', 'bash']) 


p=subprocess.popen(['gnome-terminal -e bash'], shell=true) 

but cannot close terminal using p.terminate() or p.kill(). understand, little trickier when using shell=true did not expect run problems otherwise.

to terminate terminal , children (in same process group):

#!/usr/bin/env python import os import signal import subprocess  p = subprocess.popen(['gnome-terminal', '--disable-factory', '-e', 'bash'],                      preexec_fn=os.setpgrp) # here... os.killpg(, signal.sigint) 
  • --disable-factory used avoid re-using active terminal can kill newly created terminal via subprocess handle
  • os.setpgrp puts gnome-terminal in own process group os.killpg() used send signal group


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