javascript - Semantic UI Popup doesn't open -

i'm making first steps semantic ui , got first problems can't fix.

i want create simple popup trigger here . i've tried copy , paste .html , .js code , inlcuded semantic.min.js , semantic.min.css in page header, doesn't open popup whatever reason.

here's html code use:

<div class="ui singleimg container">     <div class="ui hidden divider"></div>     <div class="ui 2 column stackable grid">       <div class="eleven wide column">           <h1 class="ui dividing header">test</h1>       </div>       <div class="five wide column">         <div class="ui teal button" data-title="using click events" data-content="clicked popups close if click away, not if click inside popup">download</div>         sidebar       </div>      </div> </div> 

and before </body> i've added following .js code:

<script>     $('.teal.button')       .popup({         on: 'click'       })     ; </script> 

//update: created fiddle here:

there problem in code did not add jquery.

here (almost)same fiddle working fine

<script>//no need of tag in jsfiddle </script> 


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