Django AbstractUser error when login in -

i have created abstractuser model add fields standard usermodel.

i think set correctly, when log in, error:

unbound method save() must called userprofile instance first argument (got nothing instead) 

here accounts/

from django.db import models django.conf import settings django.contrib.auth.models import usermanager, abstractuser   class userprofile(abstractuser):     mobile = models.charfield(max_length=20, blank=true)     homephone = models.charfield(max_length=20, blank=true)     updated = models.datetimefield(blank=true, null=true)          objects = usermanager() 

in settings have:

auth_user_model = 'accounts.userprofile' 

my authentication middleware:

from django.conf import settings django.contrib.auth import authenticate, login django.contrib.auth.models import user accounts.models import userprofile   #authentication middleware using external cookie named authentication class cookiemiddleware(object):      def process_request(self, request):         #if not hasattr(request, 'userprofile'):         #   raise improperlyconfigured()         if "authentication" not in request.cookies:             #cookie not found - nothing             return          #token found - first check if user allready logged in         if request.user.is_authenticated():             return          #not logged in, send             token = request.cookies["authentication"]          #return if cookie length 0         if len(token) == 0:             return          userprofile = authenticate(token=token)         request.userprofile = userprofile          if request.userprofile:             login(request, request.userprofile) 

my login in external users:

from django.conf import settings django.contrib.auth import authenticate, login django.contrib.auth.models import user base64 import b64decode hashlib import sha1 urllib import unquote sitetasks import tasks accounts.models import userprofile   class backend( object ):         def authenticate(self, username=none, password=none, token=none):              #unescape token             unescaped_token = unquote(token)              #decode token             decoded_token = unescaped_token.decode('base64')              #split token tree variable             secret, hashstring, userid = decoded_token.split('-', 2)              #secret needs bee in lower match shared secret             secret_lower = secret.lower()              #make string of shared_secret, hashstring, userid             check_string = "%s%s%s" % (settings.shared_secret, hashstring, userid)              #sha1 string             sha1_check_string = sha1(check_string)              #check if shared_secret matching cookie secret             cookie_valid = sha1_check_string.hexdigest() == secret_lower              if cookie_valid:                 try:                     userprofile = userprofile.objects.get(username=userid)                      #the user exist, update user                      #make celery worker update user asynchronous                     tasks.user_update.delay(user_id=userid)                  except userprofile.doesnotexist:                     # create new user                      userprofile = userprofile(username=userid)                     userprofile.is_staff = false                     userprofile.is_superuser = false               #save user                      #make celery worker update user asynchronous                     tasks.user_update.delay(user_id=userid)                   return userprofile             return none          def get_user(self, user_id):             try:                 return userprofile.objects.get(pk=user_id)             except userprofile.doesnotexist:                 return none 

the traceback error this:

request method: request url:  django version: 1.6.dev20130302084542 python version: 2.7.3 installed applications: ('django.contrib.admin',  'django.contrib.admindocs',  'django.contrib.auth',  'django.contrib.contenttypes',  'django.contrib.sessions',  'django.contrib.messages',  'django.contrib.staticfiles',  'django.contrib.sites',  'django.contrib.flatpages',  'south',  'djcelery',  'gunicorn',  'sorl.thumbnail',  'template_utils',  'compressor',  'tagging',  'ckeditor',  'debug_toolbar',  'mptt',  'accounts', ) installed middleware: ('django.contrib.sessions.middleware.sessionmiddleware',  'django.middleware.locale.localemiddleware',  'django.middleware.common.commonmiddleware',  'django.middleware.csrf.csrfviewmiddleware',  'django.contrib.auth.middleware.authenticationmiddleware',  'django.contrib.messages.middleware.messagemiddleware',  'django.contrib.flatpages.middleware.flatpagefallbackmiddleware',  'django.middleware.clickjacking.xframeoptionsmiddleware',  'myproj.cookiemiddleware.cookiemiddleware')   traceback: file "/home/user/.virtualenvs/site/downloads/django-trunk/django/core/handlers/" in get_response   82.                     response = middleware_method(request) file "/home/user/.virtualenvs/site/myproj/myproj/" in process_request   35.             login(request, request.userprofile) file "/home/user/.virtualenvs/site/downloads/django-trunk/django/contrib/auth/" in login   86.     user_logged_in.send(sender=user.__class__, request=request, user=user) file "/home/user/.virtualenvs/site/downloads/django-trunk/django/dispatch/" in send   182.             response = receiver(signal=self, sender=sender, **named) file "/home/user/.virtualenvs/site/downloads/django-trunk/django/contrib/auth/" in update_last_login   31.['last_login'])  exception type: typeerror @ / exception value: unbound method save() must called userprofile instance first argument (got nothing instead) 

anyone see im doing wrong here?

your backend authenticate() method returns userprofile (the class) instead of userprofile (the instance of class belonging user).

although there's nothing wrong in middleware, clearer if kept same naming convention - normal python 1 - , referred request.userprofile instead of request.userprofile.


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