c# - server-relative List URL is not working (strange characters in link) -

i have strange issue server object model... creating timerjob, has run item.update() function , rest of work done event receiver.

server url - demo2010a:2010  sitecolletion url - http://www.contoso.com/sites/test/  list url - http://www.contoso.com/sites/test/lists/zadania%20naprawcze%20t/ 

the problem in:

        spsite site = new spsite("http://www.contoso.com/sites/test/");         spweb web = site.openweb("sites/test");          splist ldk_list = web.getlist("http://www.contoso.com/sites/test/lists/zadania naprawcze t"); //this working fine ! cant use absolute url !!!         splistitem item = ldk_list.getitembyid(5);         item["title"] = "testestestestes";         item.update(); 

this "test" code. list name "zadania naprawcze -t" in url strange working http://www.contoso.com/sites/test/lists/zadania naprawcze t want : web.getlist("/sites/zadania naprawcze -t"); or tried cut - etc. tell me should do? code running timer job.

your question isn't clear. "lists/zadania naprawcze t" works , url of list. "/lists/zadania%20naprawcze%20t/" same thing encoded (%20 = space). you're asking -t, - from? there difference between list title , list url, know right? getlist method requires provide list url, there splistcollection.trygetlist method provide title of list (web.lists.trygetlist()).


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