How to a serve static site on Azure with Git (Bitbucket)? -

i have mvc 6 app on azure , host static files had ftp server , manually put them on /site/wwwroot. bit cumbersome when doing daily changes. fix setup continuos deployment bitbucket on azure. created separate repo static site. notice repo added /site/repository.

how serve static files there? tried changing virtual directory / --> site\wwwroot / --> site\repository got

the specified cgi application encountered error , server terminated process

it bit scary. reverting change , restarting server didn't work. had publish again visual studio somehow overwrite configuration.

an mvc 6 application have wwwroot folder in root directory (as sibling controllers, views etc)

if put static content in there, , ensure have app.usestaticfiles(); defined in startup.cs static content should deploy , run rest of content.


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