ios - SecItemAdd not prompting for Touch ID -
i have odd problem secitemadd() seems vary between ios 8 , 9. ios 8, saving secure enclave prompt touch id authentication (unless have specified ksecusenoauthenticationui @yes). expect. however, on ios 9, never seem touch id authentication on secitemadd. i realize between 8 , 9 there change attributes, , ksecusenoauthenticationui deprecated in favour of ksecuseauthenticationui, regardless of whether omit ksecuseauthenticationui, or specify @yes, never prompted. what should secitemadd() do? here code snippet of attempting: cferrorref error = null; secaccesscontrolref sacobject; sacobject = secaccesscontrolcreatewithflags(kcfallocatordefault, ksecattraccessiblewhenpasscodesetthisdeviceonly, ksecaccesscontroluserpresence, &error); nsdictionary *attributes = @{ (__bridge id)ksecclass: (__bridge id)ksecclassgenericpassword, (__bridge id)ksecattrservice: @"zenbanx", (__bridge id)ksecattraccount: tokenkey, ...