c# - How to set up Unity Test Tools on Unity 5 -

i'm trying figure out how make work. documentation slim least on important topic.

the small amount of tutorials found make reference options not present when open tool. don't see unit test runner, integration test runner. (version 5.3.1f1)

how add test? how run it?

integration test runner allows add test, unable find how write actual test.

it's sad there's no documentation on anywhere, or @ least haven't found it.

the unity test tools included in unity starting version 5.3. without downloading unity test tools asset store should able find "editor test runner" in window menu. unit test runner. other features such assertions, integration tests etc. still need unity test tools bundle asset store.

the test tools use nunit internally, can write tests using standard nunit api described here http://www.nunit.org/index.php?p=quickstart&r=2.6.3. there unity tutorial video here: https://unity3d.com/learn/tutorials/modules/beginner/live-training-archive/test-tools. make sure put tests editor folder.

also note features assertions not supported windows store apps , won't able build platform long have libraries in project.


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