android - Save Images, Display in Gallery App -

i'm working on app receives multiple images via socket. save them, wrote following methods:

public static boolean savetempimagetogallery(context c) {     try {         fileinputstream fis = c.openfileinput(settings.temp_photo_storage);         // create name of file: [date]-[time]-baby         final string tfilename = new simpledateformat("dd-mm-yyyy_hh-mm-ss")                 .format(new date()) + ".png";          string state = environment.getexternalstoragestate();         if (environment.media_mounted.equals(state)) {             log.d(tag, "external storage available.");             // sd card available             file dir = getexternalstoragedir("photos");             if (dir.mkdirs() || dir.isdirectory()) {                 log.i(tag, "directory: "+dir.getabsolutepath());                 file newimage = new file(dir, tfilename);                 if (newimage.createnewfile() && newimage.isfile()) {                     log.i(tag, "saving image "+newimage.getabsolutepath());                     final bitmap bmp = bitmapfactory.decodestream(fis);                     bytearrayoutputstream baos = new bytearrayoutputstream();                     // compress image png                     bmp.compress(bitmap.compressformat.png, 40, baos);                     fileoutputstream fo = new fileoutputstream(newimage);                     fo.write(baos.tobytearray());                     fo.close();                     log.i(tag, "image saved!");                     return true;                 }             } else {                 log.d(tag, "could not create directory.");             }         } else {             log.d(tag, "external storage not available.");         }     } catch (exception e) {      }     return false; }  public static file getexternalstoragedir() {     file sdcard = environment.getexternalstoragedirectory();     file dir = new file(sdcard.getabsolutepath() + "/"             + settings.ext_storage_directory);     return dir; }  public static file getexternalstoragedir(string subdir) {     file sdcard = environment.getexternalstoragedirectory();     file dir = new file(sdcard.getabsolutepath() + "/"             + settings.ext_storage_directory + "/" + subdir);     return dir; } 

after saving them, i'd offer user possibility view them in default gallery app. after reading post, adapted following code:

mediascannerconnectionclient mscanclient = new mediascannerconnectionclient() {             @override             public void onscancompleted(string path, uri uri) {                 try {                     log.d("onscancompleted", uri + "success");                     if (uri != null) {                         intent intent = new intent(intent.action_view);                         intent.setdata(uri);                         startactivity(intent);                     }                 } {                     if (mscancon != null)                         mscancon.disconnect();                     mscancon = null;                 }             }              @override             public void onmediascannerconnected() {                 log.i(tag, "media scan connected.");                 string[] files = support.getexternalstoragedir("photos")                         .list();                 log.i(tag,                         support.getexternalstoragedir("photos").list().length                                 + " elements in dir.");                 if (files.length > 0) {                     (string cur : files) {                         if (cur.equals(".") || cur.equals(".."))                             continue;                         log.i(tag, "using "                                 + cur                                 + " scan stuff. "                                 + support.getexternalstoragedir("photos")                                         .getabsolutepath() + "/" + cur);                         log.i(tag, "not using "                                 + cur                                 + " scan stuff. "                                 + support.getexternalstoragedir("photos")                                         .tostring() + "/" + cur);                         mscancon.scanfile(                                 support.getexternalstoragedir("photos")                                         .getabsolutepath() + "/" + cur,                                 "image/*");                         break;                     }                 } else {                     toast.maketext(getapplicationcontext(),                             "no images available.", toast.length_long)                             .show();                 }              }         };         if (mscancon != null)             mscancon.disconnect();         mscancon = new mediascannerconnection(getapplicationcontext(),                 mscanclient);         mscancon.connect(); 

weird thing: seems onmediascannerconnected never fired - has idea? i've been searching web , stackoverflow last hour..

thank you.

you don't have connect media scanner start scan, can use this static method instead.

mediascannerconnection.scanfile(context, new string[] {dir.getabsolutepath()}, null, null); 


uri uri = uri.parse(filepath); intent = new intent(intent.action_view); i.setdataandtype(uri, "image/*"); startactivity(i); 


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