plsql - Oracle: Pipe Query Results Without Knowing The Column Types -

i know possible:

sql> create or replace type tp_asset object (assetid number, asset_name varchar2(100), asset_val number)   2  / type created sql> create or replace type tp_tab_asset table of tp_asset;   2  / type created sql> create or replace function fnc_assetattributebytype(p_num in number) return tp_tab_asset pipelined   2    v_tp_asset tp_asset;   3  begin   4    in 1 .. 3   5      loop   6      v_tp_asset := tp_asset(i, 'abc', * 3);   7      pipe row (v_tp_asset);   8    end loop;   9    return;  10  end;  11  / function created 

but seems incredibly stupid. why want maintain list of columns in 2 places? i'm translating t-sql oracle , i'd following:

create or replace  function fnc_assetattributebytype(     p_attributetypeid in number)   return ******table???????? pipelined begin   j in   (     select       a.assetid,       shortname,       longname,       attributevalue           dbo$asset     inner join dbo$asset_attribute aa     on       a.assetid = aa.assetid     inner join dbo$attribute att     on       aa.attributeid = att.attributeid           attributetypeid = p_attributetypeid   )   loop     pipe row (j);   end loop;   return; end; 

tell me if i'm sane or if not way of oracle super sayans

there's 1 alternative think of declaring type inside package, can using %rowtype columns of view (borrowing @justin cave).

sql> col shortname format a20 sql> col longname format a20 sql> drop table dbo$asset; table dropped sql> drop table dbo$asset_attribute; table dropped sql> drop table dbo$attribute; table dropped sql> create table dbo$asset (assetid number); table created sql> create table dbo$asset_attribute (attributeid number, assetid number, shortname varchar2(100), longname varchar2(100)); table created sql> create table dbo$attribute (attributeid number, assetid number, attributevalue number, attributetypeid number); table created sql> insert dbo$asset values (1); 1 row inserted sql> insert dbo$asset_attribute values (10, 1, 'att1', 'attribute1'); 1 row inserted sql> insert dbo$asset_attribute values (20, 1, 'att2', 'attribute2'); 1 row inserted sql> insert dbo$attribute values (10, 1, 999.99, 444); 1 row inserted sql> insert dbo$asset values (2); 1 row inserted sql> insert dbo$asset_attribute values (30, 2, 'att1', 'attribute1'); 1 row inserted sql> insert dbo$asset_attribute values (40, 2, 'att2', 'attribute2'); 1 row inserted sql> insert dbo$attribute values (40, 2, 888.99, 555); 1 row inserted sql> create or replace view vw_assetattributebytype   2  select a.assetid, shortname, longname, attributevalue, attributetypeid   3    dbo$asset   4    join dbo$asset_attribute aa on a.assetid = aa.assetid   5    join dbo$attribute att on aa.attributeid = att.attributeid; view created sql> create or replace package pck_asset   2    type tp_assetattributebytype table of vw_assetattributebytype%rowtype;   3     4    function fnc_assetattributebytype(p_attributetypeid in number) return tp_assetattributebytype pipelined;   5  end pck_asset;   6  / package created sql> create or replace package body pck_asset   2     3    function fnc_assetattributebytype(p_attributetypeid in number) return tp_assetattributebytype pipelined   4    begin   5      j in (select *   6                  vw_assetattributebytype   7                 attributetypeid = p_attributetypeid)   8      loop   9        pipe row(j);  10      end loop;  11    end fnc_assetattributebytype;  12    13  end pck_asset;  14  / package body created sql> select *   2    table(pck_asset.fnc_assetattributebytype(444));    assetid shortname            longname             attributevalue attributetypeid ---------- -------------------- -------------------- -------------- ---------------          1 att1                 attribute1                   999,99             444  sql>  

the thing need add filter column attributetypeid view in example. there means of working around , it's simple though uses application context filter inside view. if must keep view columns in query can instead , alas:

sql> col shortname format a20 sql> col longname format a20 sql> drop table dbo$asset; table dropped sql> drop table dbo$asset_attribute; table dropped sql> drop table dbo$attribute; table dropped sql> create table dbo$asset (assetid number); table created sql> create table dbo$asset_attribute (attributeid number, assetid number, shortname varchar2(100), longname varchar2(100)); table created sql> create table dbo$attribute (attributeid number, assetid number, attributevalue number, attributetypeid number); table created sql> insert dbo$asset values (1); 1 row inserted sql> insert dbo$asset_attribute values (10, 1, 'att1', 'attribute1'); 1 row inserted sql> insert dbo$asset_attribute values (20, 1, 'att2', 'attribute2'); 1 row inserted sql> insert dbo$attribute values (10, 1, 999.99, 444); 1 row inserted sql> insert dbo$asset values (2); 1 row inserted sql> insert dbo$asset_attribute values (30, 2, 'att1', 'attribute1'); 1 row inserted sql> insert dbo$asset_attribute values (40, 2, 'att2', 'attribute2'); 1 row inserted sql> insert dbo$attribute values (40, 2, 888.99, 555); 1 row inserted sql> create or replace context ctx_asset using pck_asset; context created sql> create or replace view vw_assetattributebytype   2  select a.assetid, shortname, longname, attributevalue   3    dbo$asset   4    join dbo$asset_attribute aa on a.assetid = aa.assetid   5    join dbo$attribute att on aa.attributeid = att.attributeid   6   attributetypeid = sys_context('ctx_asset', 'attributetypeid'); view created sql> create or replace package pck_asset   2    type tp_assetattributebytype table of vw_assetattributebytype%rowtype;   3     4    function fnc_assetattributebytype(p_attributetypeid in number) return tp_assetattributebytype pipelined;   5    procedure prc_set_attributetype(p_attributetypeid in number);   6     7  end pck_asset;   8  / package created sql> create or replace package body pck_asset   2     3    procedure prc_set_attributetype(p_attributetypeid in number)   4    begin   5      dbms_session.set_context('ctx_asset', 'attributetypeid', p_attributetypeid);   6    end;   7     8    function fnc_assetattributebytype(p_attributetypeid in number) return tp_assetattributebytype pipelined   9    begin  10      -- sets filter on application context view  11      prc_set_attributetype(p_attributetypeid);  12    13      j in (select *  14                  vw_assetattributebytype)  15      loop  16        pipe row(j);  17      end loop;  18    end fnc_assetattributebytype;  19    20  end pck_asset;  21  / package body created sql> select *   2    table(pck_asset.fnc_assetattributebytype(555));    assetid shortname            longname             attributevalue ---------- -------------------- -------------------- --------------          2 att2                 attribute2                   888,99  sql>  

i made lot of assumptions on table structures , may incorrect, forgive me mistakes. idea show sample code running.


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