javascript - Vue JS and model binding in tables -

why not possible bind model via v-model within table this:

<table class="table">     <thead>     <th>select</th>     <th>responder id</th>     <th>heading 2</th>     </thead>     <tbody>         <tr v-for="responder in responders">             <td v-model="selected" @click="selectresponder(responder)"><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-bullhorn"></span></td>             <td>@{{ responder.userreference }}</td>         </tr>     </tbody> </table> 

i want achieve, when user clicks glyphicon in table row, selected element bind variable in javascript.

v-model used bind variable type of form input, , doesn't apply <td> element. @click method can describing though:

//in vue instance ... methods:{     selectresponder(responder){         //either...         responder.selected = true;          //or maybe...         this.selected = responder;     } } ... 


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