Can not add the same measure twice on Python unit test report -

after upgrade following versions:

sonar 5.2
sonar runner 2.4
python plugin 1.5

my test reports not being processed correctly when have more 1 test file in same package, example:


i error:

error: sonar during error runner execution error: unable run sonar error: caused by: can not add same measure twice on org.sonar.api.resources.file@b497091[key=notas_leitores/,path=notas_leitores/,,language=python]: org.sonar.api.measures.measure@27d4561[metrickey=skipped_tests,metric=metric[id=<null>,key=skipped_tests,description=number of skipped unit tests, type = int, direction = -1, domain = tests, name = skipped unit tests,qualitative=true,usermanaged=false,enabled=true,worstvalue=<null>,bestvalue=0.0,optimizedbestvalue=true,hidden=false,deletehistoricaldata=false],value=0.0,data=<null>,description=<null>,alertstatus=<null>,alerttext=<null>,date=<null>,variation1=<null>,variation2=<null>,variation3=<null>,variation4=<null>,variation5=<null>,url=<null>,characteristic=<null>,requirement=<null>,personid=<null>,persistencemode=full,fromcore=false] 

if these test results removed, analysis done normally.

it works in sonar 4.2 , python plugin 1.3.


sonar.projectkey=key sonar.projectname=name sonar.projectversion=1.0 sonar.sources=module, test sonar.language=py sonar.sourceencoding=utf-8  sonar.python.coverage.reportpath=coverage.xml sonar.python.xunit.reportpath=xmlrunner/test-*.xml sonar.dynamicanalysis=reusereports sonar.python.xunit.skipdetails=false sonar.python.codecoverageplugin=cobertura 

it valid import several test report files. however, should not contain results (e.g. number of failed tests) same test files. case here notas_leitores/ such case not accepted sonarqube: if results different, ones correct?

if works sonarqube 4.2 same configuration, suppose older version not same checks , therefore not show there problem setup.


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