android - Connect to specific network, disable WiFi if the network doesn't exist (My issue in the second part) -
i'm trying add connect specific network, i've made editbox, user enter network wannna connect to, after pressing done, save in sharedpreference, , string , store it.
code deleted, use code in answer .
if initial case connecting network if exist, have boolean , check after while loop see if need disable wifi. like:
list<wificonfiguration> list = wifimanager.getconfigurednetworks(); boolean connected = false; for( wificonfiguration : list ) { if(i.ssid != null && i.ssid.equalsignorecase("\"" + desiredssid + "\"")) { log.d("in", "in!"); wifimanager.disconnect(); wifimanager.enablenetwork(i.networkid, true); wifimanager.reconnect(); connected = true; break; } if(!connected){wifimanager.setwifienabled(false);}
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