xpath - All elements with a following sibling equal to it -

my xml structure:

<root>   <!-- first -->   <a>       <b>123</b>       <c>456</c>   </a>    <!-- second -->   <a>       <b>999</b>       <c>456</c>   </a>    <!-- third -->   <a>       <b>123</b>       <c>456</c>   </a>    <!-- fourth-->   <a>       <b>123</b>       <c>999</c>   </a>    <!-- fifth -->   <a>       <x>123</x>       <y>456</y>   </a> </root> 

i want find elements have following siblings equal it.

the desired result first element, because equal third element.

i've tried this:

//a[.= following-sibling::a] 

but result first , third element. guess third element matches fifth element, because = operator compares string values, right? can me?

can compute position of matched element in xpath or have search in xsl loop?

i think looking function deep-equal, see http://www.w3.org/tr/xpath-functions-30/#func-deep-equal, can use in //a[some $sibling in following-sibling::a satisfies deep-equal(. ,$sibling)].


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