python - Enforce Not Null field in MariaDB using Peewee -

well, i'm trying use peewee small project. need fields text , url (both longtext in mariadb) not null , not null understand not allow null value stored in field, did this:

database = mysqldatabase("mydatabase", user="", password="123justkidding", host="localhost")  class mytable(model):     text = textfield(null = false)     url = textfield(null = false, max_length = 100)      class meta:         database = database 

and then, of course, created table , started adding values, lots of values. thing there empty values on text , url fields don't want them be. ran query:

select `table`.`text`, `table`.`url` `table` `table`.`text`="" , `table`.`url`="" 

and gave me 4 rows. so, missing guys?

also, notice mariadb has text, medium text, longtext data-types , appears me textfield in peewee default longtext in mariadb. way can change that?

thanks in advance.

"" empty string. null different entirely.


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