how to do an if else depending type of type in c++ template? -

// template specialization #include <iostream> using namespace std;  // class template: template <class t> class mycontainer {     t element;   public:     mycontainer (t arg) {element=arg;}     t increase () {      //if(t.type==int)//how or similar?     //do if int     return ++element;      //if(t.type==char)      //if ((element>='a')&&(element<='z'))       //element+='a'-'a';       //return element;      } }; 

i know how write template specialization , separate whole class def char type.

but if wanted handle in 1 block of code?

how can check if t int or char?

you use typeid:

if (typeid(t) == typeid(int)) 

or use std::is_same type trait:

if (std::is_same<t, int>::value) 


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