ajax - codeigniter: Rest api + Json -

how, implement code igniter rest api outputs ajax outputting json. i'm unsure how use rest api deleting , adding json. how delete item json , database.

1. rest api routing

let's start routing of api - if apply best practice api want use http verbs (post/put/get...). (read more on http verbs , rest here)

if on codeigniter 2.x read question , answer

if on codeigniter 3.x read documentation

on other side, if planning use api internally , scope of project limited can ignore http verbs , make post , calls controllers.

2. creating json response

generally not need use views - can have controllers echo json response. here example of fictional api has api call actor database of actors.

/*   ---------------------------------------------- |    example of api method actor |    database of actors: |    call: http://example.com/api/getactorbyid |    parameter: actor_id |    method: post */ public function getactorbyid(){      // let's first actor id post data     $actor_id = $this->input->post('actor_id');      // if api method get     // actor id on uri - api call     // this: http://example.com/api/getactorbyid/<actor_id>      // in case take actor id segment:     $actor_id = $this->uri->segment(3);       // database query magic here!     // ...     // ...      // let's create array data      // in real life comes db query above     $data = array(             'firstname' => 'michael',             'lastname' => 'fox',             'isactor' => true,             'userid' => 1234567             );      // let's convert array json     $json = json_encode($data);      // if api accessed different domain     // want allow cross domain access     header('access-control-allow-origin: *');       // let's return json     echo $json; } 

the output this:


hope helps - luck project!


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