git - Ignored file still showing changes -

my .gitignore follows:

## ignore visual studio temporary files, build results, , ## files generated popular visual studio add-ons.  # project files *.sln *.vcxproj *.vcxproj.filters upgradelog.htm  # user-specific files *.suo *.user *.userosscache *.sln.docstates  # .... 

now of these files ignored properly, exception of solution file, main.sln. why not ignored when put in gitignore?

is due main.sln existing before added ignore? thought stop tracking if placed within ignore guess that's not case. here's screenshot:

enter image description here

how can stop tracking changes main.sln?

lines in .gitignore ignore files not part of repository. once added repository, tracked, , cannot ignored.

if want stop traking file have remove git tree. do, command line:

$ git rm --cached main.sln 

and commit change. on, file gitignored.

note: --cached option keep real file in working directory. without file deleted.


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