c# - How to call a file for picturebox -
i have form 6 arrays, 15 elements each. wrote them in way if search myself (being 1st element in string[] name array), form load 1st element of every array: age, gender, hobby, photo etc. here part of picturebox code i'm using
//i have more arrays here, like: name,gender,age,hobby,place & talent string[] photo=new string[] { "764.jpg", " 765.jpg", " 766.jpg", " 767.jpg"," 765.jpg", " 767.jpg", " 768.jpg", " 769.jpg", " 770.jpg", " 771.jpg", " 772.jpg", " 773.jpg", " 774.jpg", " 775.jpg", " 776.jpg"}; string name="",gender="",place="",warning=""; int age = 0; string image=""; (int = 0; < 15; i++) { if (textbox6.text == emri[i]) { //i applied every element of every array declared variables image = photo[i]; j++; } if (j == 1) { //associated textboxes variables picturebox1.image = image.fromfile(@"c:\users\ncomputers\documents\visual studio 2015\projects\windowsformsapplication1\windowsformsapplication1\bin\debug\sony xperia\" + image); } else { messagebox.show("person not found!"); }
while there no errors shown, picture doesn't load. other items working. help?
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