c# - System.Argument Exception When Trying to Render -

i'm trying save snapshot of each slide in current project image file. part of this, want use rendertargetbitmap grid , content. here's xaml in usercontrol i'm using template each slide:

<grid background="white" opacity="0.8" x:name="contentgrid">     <!-- inking area -->     <inkcanvas x:name="inkcanvas"/> </grid> 

and i'm using try it:

rendertargetbitmap b = new rendertargetbitmap(); await b.renderasync(contentgrid, 720, 480); 

i'm looping through collection of slides, calling method on each one.

however, throws error on renderasync method. exception is:

value not fall within expected range.

i've used method before, , worked fine. thing different have inkcanvas in grid, don't see how affect anything.

edit: interestingly, creating blank grid no properties set , trying render throws same exception.

i work on .net native runtime , compiler team. suspect we've mistakenly stripped off setter or getter 1 of properties on ui type. stopping on first chance exceptions should show stack has propertyinfo/reflection looking goop right before throw. if so, can corrected adding few lines default.rd.xml. in particular few lines like:

<type name="full.namespace.and.name.of.uitype" dynamic="required all"/> <type name="full.namespace.and.name.of.otheruitype" dynamic="required all"/> ... 

if cannot resolved, email @ dotnetnative@microsoft.com , hopfully sorted out.


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