vb.net - CovrageInfo.CreateFromFile is giving an error -

i have replicated code example collect result code coverage here except code vb.net

here code

imports microsoft.visualstudio.coverage.analysis   module module1      sub main()         using info coverageinfo = coverageinfo.createfromfile("c:myfile\data.coverage")              dim lines new list(of blocklinerange)()              each [module] icoveragemodule in info.modules                  dim coveragebuffer byte() = [module].getcoveragebuffer(nothing)                 using reader isymbolreader = [module].symbols.createreader()                      dim methodid uinteger = 0                     dim methodname string = ""                     dim undecoratedmethodname string = ""                     dim classname string = ""                     dim namespacename string = ""                      lines.clear()                      while reader.getnextmethod(methodid, methodname, undecoratedmethodname, classname, namespacename, lines)                          dim stats coveragestatistics = coverageinfo.getmethodstatistics(coveragebuffer, lines)                         console.writeline("method {0}{1}{2}{3}{4} has:" & namespacename & classname & undecoratedmethodname)                          console.writeline(" blocks covered {0}", stats.blockscovered)                     end while                 end using             next          end using     end sub  end module 

when run on line createfromfile imagenotfoundexception

image file "c:\someaddress\myserver\unittest.dll" not found  

i have per instructions added neccessary dlls project copied , other 2 references.

and yet tumbleweed moment....

basically problem folder containing coverage file had contains dlls used within assembely tests ran on in order create object.

hope helps if ever stumbled on issuen :)


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