join - SQL Subquery: Filter entries that return no rows -

i'm struggling on sql-query... have 3 tables:

1) jobs

2) paper1

3) paper2

paper1 , paper2 have colum job_id corresponding job-id referenced; job id 123 has paper1.job_id of 123.

now want see jobs have corresponding paper1 no paper2 (thus: unfinished, since paper1 , paper2 requirements job fulfilled). attempt this, didn't work out correctly:

select id    jobs   (select id paper1 (job_id = != 0 limit 1)  ,    (select id paper2 (job_id =  = null limit 1) 

any appreciated; thanks.


select job_id  paper1  job_id not in (select job_id paper2 group paper2)  group job_id; 


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