jruby - ScriptingContainer, Ruby Runtime and Variable Map -

(crossposting note: question has been posted @ jruby mailing list (jruby@ruby-lang.org) on december 20 , on jruby forum on january 2nd, hasn't got response yet).

this question understanding impact of localcontextscope parameter in presence of multi-threading.

we can find @ jruby wiki recipe helps choosing best value localcontextscope parameter. page explains, parameter controls, whether scriptingcontainer and/or ruby runtime and/or variable map shared among threads. however, deeper understanding issue, in particular, part of "system" implemented in 1 of 3 components.

as concrete example: when create global variables in ruby, or new classes, or functions , variables in top level context, belong scriptingcontainer, runtime, or variable map? unless knowing this, don't know localcontextscope have use.


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