ios - Animate Transition of CollectionView in TableViewCell -

i'm trying figure out way animate layout of uicollectionview embedded in uitableviewcell.

the reason why did simple, needed have different uicollectionview in different section of uitableview able scroll horizontally through each uicollectionviews. easy, i'd animate transition when touch cell in uicollectionview , entire collection grow , became page view (full screen) can display more information in each cell of uicollectionview.

as don't use parent uicollectionviewcontroller, can't use uicollectionviewlayouttransition.

my first try expand height of cell uicollectionview embedded in with:

    [self.tableview beginupdates];      self.expandedindexpath = tableviewindexpath;      [collectionview setcollectionviewlayout:_largelayout animated:yes completion:nil];     [collectionview.collectionviewlayout invalidatelayout];      [self.tableview endupdates]; 

bad guess because heigh of cell did indeed grow forgot other section of uitableview still in view able continue scroll in tableview not want.

so second thought navigation controller transitioning how can animate entire uicollectionview of 1 section of uitableview grow photoapp ?

thanks help.


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