gradle - Android multi flavor library referenced from non flavor application - AAPT: No resource found -

i have library contains string resource:

<string name="lib_name">mylibrary</string> 

reference library in application build.gradle:

dependencies{   compile project(':mylibrary') ... } 

in application module have displayed text resource:

<textview     android:layout_width="wrap_content"     android:layout_height="wrap_content"     android:text="@string/lib_name" /> 

there no problem without using flavors. want add new flavor library different text.

build.gradle of library:

android { ...   productflavors {     myflavor {}   } } 

then create new resource file new flavor \mylibrary\src\myflavor\res\values\strings.xml:

<string name="lib_name">mylibrary flavor</string> 

but have build error, resource not available anymore:

aapt: no resource found matches given name (at 'text' value '@string/lib_name'). 

i need application has default flavor. resource in 'myflavor' consumed in different application, have 'myflavor' flavor specified.

what need change in application solve error?

thank help.

edit: uploaded sample project here.

firstly, change flavor configuration dependency:

compile project(path: ':mylibrary', configuration: 'myflavorrelease') 

secondly, replace wrong androidmanifest.xml in *mylibrary\src\myflavor* correct in *mylibrary\src\main*.


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