Convert part of the following chef recipe to Ansible -

i trying convert following chef recipe ansible. equivalent of ?.. familiar ansible. correct there going 3 directories created ?. such /usr/share/agentone/lib ; /usr/share/agentone/etc ; /usr/share/agentone/bin , of them have 0755 mode on ?

 if node[:platform_family] == 'debian'    %w{lib etc bin}.each |dir|     directory "/usr/share/agentone/#{dir}"      mode '0755'      owner 'root'      group 'root'      action :create      recursive true     end   end    directory '/var/log/agentone'   directory 'var/run/agentone'    link '/usr/share/agentone/logs'    '/var/log/agentone'   end    template '/etc/init.d/agentone'     owner 'root'     group 'root'     mode '750'     source 'agentone.init.erb'     variables(       :version => node[:base][:agent][:agent_artifact][:version]      )   end   end  

what best way write in ansible ?

the ansible version of this:

- name: create dirs   file: path=/usr/share/agentone/{{ item }}         state=directory         owner=root         group=root         mode=0755         recurse=true   with_items:       - lib       - etc       - bin   when: ansible_distribution == 'debian' 

edit: respect additional code added:

- name: symlink /usr/share/agentone/logs   file: path=/usr/share/agentone/logs         src=/var/log/agentone         state=link  - name: template /etc/init.d/agentone   template: src=agentone.init.erb             dest=/etc/init.d/agentone             owner=root             group=root             mode=0750 

with respect variables used in template task, need added inventory file, vars file, or anywhere else ansible variables can defined.


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