cakephp 3.x data not saving when Saving data into 2 tables with has many relation -

i have 2 tables clients , branches branches has field client_id relation between them client hasmany branches , branch belongs user, have following code in clients/add.ctp view file

<?php      echo  $this->form->create($client);      echo $this->form->input('name');     echo $this->form->input('branch.0.branch_name');     echo $this->form->input('');     echo $this->form->input('profile_link');  ?>  , controller code isas follow <?php     public function add() {          $client = $this->clients->newentity();         if ($this->request->is('post')) {              $client = $this->clients->patchentity($client, $this->request->data, [                 'associated' => ['branches']             ]);             if($this->clients->save($client)) {                 $this->flash->success(__('data has been saved.'));             } else {                 $this->flash->error(__('the data not saved. please, try again.'));             }         } ?> 

but data saved in client table not in branch table please tell me should id or whats error sorry bad english

if client hashany branches should do

echo $this->form->input('branches.0.branch_name'); echo $this->form->input(''); 

read manual it


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