visual studio 2010 - CMake: How to add a .def file which is not a module definition file -

my company uses .def store symbol definitions (ascii text file). using cmake create visual studio solutions. have def files visible visual studio easier editing.

when create library that:

set(a_src a.cpp a.def) add_library(a shared ${a_src}) 

visual studio solution file browser show a.cpp. a.def present in vcxproj file, that: <moduledefinitionfile>a.def</moduledefinitionfile>, , not appear in solution file browser.

is there way tell cmake or visual def file not module definition file , should treated regular text file?

you can change property of .def file after adding it:

set(a_src a.cpp a.def) add_library(a shared ${a_src}) set_source_files_properties(a.def properties header_file_only true) 

this makes file visible in vs (tested on vs2013)

for reference:


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