window - Extjs err:'0.manager.zseed' is undefined -

when close ext.window,and create new ext.window,i got error:'0.manager.zseed' undefined. however,this problem occurs in ie 8.


var win = new ext.window({                                 id: 'winblno',                                 title: 'mywindow',                                 width: 360,                                 height: 120,                                 layout: 'fit',                                 items: [formgetblnorule],                                 closeaction: 'close',                                 buttonalign: 'center',                                 buttons: [                                     {                                         text: 'ok',                                         handler: function() {}                                     },                                     {                                         text: 'exit',                                         handler: function() {                                             win.close();                                         }                                     }                                 ]                             });                   ; 

help me pls. lot.

im assuming here using ext js 4 , window floating component. if so, problem lies z-index. try setting explicitly , should solve problem.


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