Service Mediation Using Proxy Services -WSO2 -

i'm new area , need access web service via esb. mentioned in here - service mediation using proxy services tried to create it. after run , response follows :

<tryitproxyerror xmlns:h="" h:status="soap envelope error">org.apache.axis2.axisfault: input stream incoming message null.</tryitproxyerror> 

but tried run same web method using soapui , expected out put below:

<soap:envelope xmlns:soap="" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="">    <soap:body>       <getpatienthistoryresponse xmlns="">          <getpatienthistoryresult>             <nic>123</nic>             <fullname>abc def</fullname>             <firstname>abc</firstname>             <surname>def</surname>             <title>mr.</title>             <gender>m/gender>          </getpatienthistoryresult>       </getpatienthistoryresponse>    </soap:body> </soap:envelope> 

what reason this? created using .net

my wsdl address - http://localhost:2935/patientregservice.asmx?wsdl

then in define endpoint - http://localhost:2935/patientregservice.asmx

edit proxy configuration follows:

<proxy xmlns="" name="patientmanagement" transports="https,http" statistics="disable" trace="disable" startonload="true">    <target>       <outsequence>          <send/>       </outsequence>       <endpoint>          <address uri="http://localhost:2935/patientregservice.asmx?wsdl"/>       </endpoint>    </target>    <publishwsdl uri="http://localhost:2935/patientregservice.asmx?wsdl"/>    <description></description> </proxy> 

if want access web service via esb need create proxy service , access proxy service uri instead of original service uri. follow pass through proxy example.


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