Create field in SharePoint programmatically using CSOM (Not with XML) -

is possible create fields in sharepoint csom, not using xml?

i've seen many examples using xml, none setting properties field programmatically?

fields.add(new **fieldcreationinformation** {     internalname = "test",    etc.. }); 

that's doable, in following example introduced fieldcreationinformation class:

[xmlroot("field")] public class fieldcreationinformation {     [xmlattribute("id")]     public guid id { get; set; }      [xmlattribute()]     public string displayname { get; set; }      [xmlattribute("name")]     public string internalname { get; set; }      [xmlignore()]     public bool addtodefaultview { get; set; }       //public ienumerable<keyvaluepair<string, string>> additionalattributes { get; set; }      [xmlattribute("type")]     public fieldtype fieldtype { get; set; }      [xmlattribute()]     public string group { get; set; }      [xmlattribute()]     public bool required { get; set; }       public string toxml()     {         var serializer = new xmlserializer(gettype());         var settings = new xmlwritersettings();         settings.indent = true;         settings.omitxmldeclaration = true;         var emptynamepsaces = new xmlserializernamespaces(new[] { xmlqualifiedname.empty });          using (var stream = new stringwriter())         using (var writer = xmlwriter.create(stream, settings))         {             serializer.serialize(writer, this, emptynamepsaces);             return stream.tostring();         }     }        public fieldcreationinformation()     {         id = guid.newguid();     }  } 

and extension method creating new field:

public static class fieldcollectionextensions {     public static field add(this fieldcollection fields, fieldcreationinformation info)     {         var fieldschema = info.toxml();         return fields.addfieldasxml(fieldschema, info.addtodefaultview, addfieldoptions.addfieldtodefaultview);     } } 


var fieldinfo = new fieldcreationinformation(); fieldinfo.fieldtype = fieldtype.geolocation; fieldinfo.internalname = "contactslocation"; fieldinfo.displayname = "contacts location";; ctx.executequery(); 


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