class - count the number of classes created in the namespace -
i'm trying learn bit using namespace, created 2 items using namespace. in future when implemented there x-number of items created using namespace.
how can count number of "cilinders" there exist?
public class form1 ' test using namespace private sub button4_click(sender object, e eventargs) handles ' create cilinder 1 dim cilinder_1 new body_namespace.body_cilinder cilinder_1.index = 1 debug.print(cilinder_1.index) ' create cilinder 2 dim cilinder_2 new body_namespace.body_cilinder cilinder_2.index = 2 debug.print(cilinder_2.index) end sub end class namespace body_namespace class body_cilinder private _index integer public property index() integer index = _index end set(byval value integer) _index = value end set end property end class end namespace
after more digging found solution. using bad search term.
public class form1 ' test using namespace private sub button4_click(sender object, e eventargs) handles ' create cilinder 1 dim cilinder_1 new body_namespace.body_cilinder cilinder_1.index = 1 debug.print(cilinder_1.index) ' create cilinder 2 dim cilinder_2 new body_namespace.body_cilinder cilinder_2.index = 2 debug.print(cilinder_2.index) ' count cilinders debug.print(body_namespace.body_cilinder.count) end sub end class namespace body_namespace ' class defines cilinders properties easy access. class body_cilinder ' counter determinate cilinder quantity required. public shared count integer = 0 private _index integer private _height double ' cilinder index number integer finding position. public property index() integer index = _index end set(byval value integer) _index = value end set end property ' cilinder height define cilinder height. public property height() double height = _height end set(value double) _height = value end set end property ' add cilinder count every-time new "body cilinder" instance created public sub new() count = count + 1 end sub end class end namespace
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