web api - EF 6 Rollback and Update Best Approach -
i have working solution in place , m initiating thread have discussion on best approach.
environment : ef6, sql 2012 scenario:
i have task , taskdetail table have parent child/relationship through taskid.
create method: while creating task, need ensure entry made in taskdetail table well. first approach: entry made task table. savechanges. taskid , assign dto has information detail table. pass dto taskdetail create method. save changes. commit.. if error occurs, rollback entire transaction
second approach: add relavent fields of task table. add relevant fields of task detail table well. add new detail table object task table through navigation property. task.taskdetail.add(newobj). savechanges.
question 1: both approaches yield same sql. couldnt notice difference though.. best approach doing this???
question 2: also, if take @ scenario, have noticed saveall or savenone approach. tried looping through dbentityentries , rollbacked change. sounds working second approach described above , not first approach since m making save after insertion in order taskid. ended using "dbconexttransaction" introduced in ef 6. best approach???
question 3:
update method:
while doing update , per requirement, not touch task table. deals taskdetail table alone though task id required passed ui.
- • existing task detail using task id , active flag (there 1 many relationship)
- update active flag false
- create new entry in task detail table
i translated above statements code implementation best approach handle it????
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