SVG and rectangle line thickness in Safari? -
i experiencing issue safari 9.0.2 on macos x 10.11, seems draw lines in svg thicker in other browsers on same computer. can't tell whether need tweak in svg settings or whether issue safari. note not seem impact regular lines.
a screen capture of seeing:
and code use generate it:
or essential code (using snap svg):
centerx = snap.node.clientwidth / 2; centery = snap.node.clientheight / 2; (i=0; i<8; i++) { width = 20 + (i*20); height = width; snap.rect(centerx - width/2, centery - height/2, width, height).attr({ 'stroke': 'black', 'stroke-width': + 'px', 'fill': 'none' }); }
any insight appreciated.
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