sorting - Php multi sort function -

i'm trying sort standings table not score, weekly wins well. in league, overall score (pick ratio) top dog, wins tiebreaker. have 3 people in 2nd, 2 of them 1 win each, , 0. standings page displays them out of order. same thing in 3rd place section, 1 2 wins should on top. (see link)

i see sorting on standings.php page:

$playertotals = sort2d($playertotals, 'score', 'desc'); 

and calls sorting function functions.php page:

//the following function found @ function sort2d ($array, $index, $order='asc', $natsort=false, $case_sensitive=false) { if (is_array($array) && count($array) > 0) {   foreach(array_keys($array) $key) {      $temp[$key]=$array[$key][$index];   }   if(!$natsort) {      ($order=='asc')? asort($temp) : arsort($temp);   } else {      ($case_sensitive)? natsort($temp) : natcasesort($temp);      if($order!='asc') {         $temp=array_reverse($temp,true);      }   }   foreach(array_keys($temp) $key) {      (is_numeric($key))? $sorted[]=$array[$key] : $sorted[$key]=$array[$key];   }   return $sorted; } return $array; } 

so, need sort score first, , wins. have tried:

$playertotals = sort2d($playertotals, 'score', 'desc', 'wins', 'desc'); 

but doesn't work , know function not meant that.

sorry if i'm misunderstanding question, take want sort score , wins, wins have lower priority? if 2 players have same score, sort wins? if so, can this, , can general concept in language:

usort($arrayofplayers, function($a, $b) {     if ($a->score == $b->score) { //check if score equal         if ($a->wins == $b->wins) { //if score equal, sort wins             return 0;         }         return ($a->wins > $b->wins) ? 1 : -1;     }     return ($a->score > $b->score) ? 1 : -1; //sort score since not equal }

you didn't specify format of sorting, take it's array of player objects wins , score properties. please let me know if misunderstood or if not case.


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