jquery - Call Function Inside ajax success results in ReferenceError: Can't find variable: -

im getting error inside ajax success handler.

referenceerror: can't find variable: getresult

i'm trying call function called getresult error seems think getresult variable? here jquery:

$('#button').click(function(){     var data1 = $('#comments').val();     $.ajax({         type: "post",         url: "/modules/business/submitpost.php",         data: ({ dat1: data1}),         cache: false,         success: function(data) {             $("#comments").val("");             $("#comments").css('height', 'auto');             $("#comments").height(this.scrollheight);             $('#imagepreview').attr('src', "");             $("#imagepreview").hide();             $("#faq-result").html("");             getresult('/modules/business/getresult.php?page=1');         }     }); });  function getresult(url) {     $.ajax({         url: url,         type: "get",         data: {             rowcount: $("#rowcount").val()         },         beforesend: function() {             $('#loader-icon').show();         },         complete: function() {             $('#loader-icon').hide();         },         success: function(data){             $("#faq-result").append(data);         },         error: function(){}                  }); }  $(window).scroll(function() {     if ($(window).scrolltop() == $(document).height() - $(window).height()) {         if ($(".pagenum:last").val() <= $(".total-page").val()) {             var pagenum = parseint($(".pagenum:last").val()) + 1;             getresult('/modules/business/getresult.php?page='+pagenum);         }     } });  


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