javascript - Setting authorization in native browser fetch -

i'm coming across issue can't seem set headers fetch request , think i'm missing something

var init = {         method: 'get',         headers: {             'accept': 'application/json',             'content-type': 'application/json',             'authorization': 'bearer mykey'         }     }; return fetch(url, init).then(function(response){... 

when request inspected in network tab, i'm not seeing headers set , instead see

access-control-request-headers:accept, authorization, content-type 

when expect see

authorization: bearer mykey content-type: application/json accept: application/json 

i've tried using native headers() 0 difference.

am missing here?

i having same issue , took bit of investigating evening. problem cross-origin resource sharing / cors. fetch default , makes things considerably more complex.

unless both origin , destination same cross-domain request, , these supported if request destination supports cors ( cross-origin resource sharing ). if not not go through. you'll see error no 'access-control-allow-origin' header present on requested resource

this why can not authorization headers on non-cors sites; see #5 , basic headers

forbidden header names:

and unfortunately, before try xmlhttprequest route, same applies: same xmlhttprequest:

finally, choices move forward are: 1. jsonp 2. write proxy not in browser 3. put cors on destination server

this article sums nicely


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