ubuntu - Vagrant config terminology -
tl;dr; can me understand difference between these "names" defined in vagrantfile?
config.vm.define "worker"
box.vm.box = "ots-box"
box.vm.host_name = "worker"
vb.name = "barhost"
while trying change hostname of vagrant instance had, lost in vagrantfile syntax. have changed hostname other things (network) isn't working. suspect i've changed has lead vagrant configure box particular way, caused issue.
vagrant.configure("2") |config| config.vm.define "worker".to_sym |box| box.vm.box = "ots-box" box.vm.box_url = "http://testing.xxx.com.s3.amazonaws.com/ots-fe.box" box.vm.host_name = "worker" end
i suppose it's irrelevant i'm trying create ubuntu box on mac el-capitan oracle virtualbox , vagrant version 1.7.4.
documentation says: config.vm.box - configures box machine brought against. value here should name of installed box or shorthand name of box in hashicorp's atlas.
example here introduces term vb.name
vagrant.configure('2') |config| config.vm.box = "precise64" config.vm.box_url = "http://files.vagrantup.com/precise64.box" config.vm.define "foohost" |foohost| end config.vm.provider :virtualbox |vb| vb.name = "barhost" end end
i'll try answer points points:
first following syntax
vagrant.configure("2") |config| config.vm.define "worker".to_sym |box| box.vm.box = "ots-box" box.vm.box_url = "http://testing.xxx.com.s3.amazonaws.com/ots-fe.box" box.vm.host_name = "worker" end
is used if have multiple vms running (https://docs.vagrantup.com/v2/multi-machine/) need define name vm, in case worker
within next block parameters set worker
vm , make ruby syntax happy need define variable name (box
so if have single vm within vagrantfile, not need syntax, can have
vagrant.configure("2") |config| config.vm.box = "ots-box" config.vm.box_url = "http://testing.xxx.com.s3.amazonaws.com/ots-fe.box" config.vm.hostname = "worker" end
second, config/box.vm.box
points vagrant box important concept of vagrant each vm spin must created against existing box. can download box internet (vagrant atlas, http://www.vagrantbox.es/) or make box yourself. can review available boxes installed on machine running vagrant box list
. if box set in vagrantfile not available in available box, vagrant try download (so if point ubuntu/trusty64
, if did not install it, vagrant download https://atlas.hashicorp.com/ubuntu/boxes/trusty64, assuming available provider)
third, config/box.vm.hostname
variable you're interested (not hostname vs host_name), doc
config.vm.hostname - hostname machine should have. defaults nil. if nil, vagrant won't manage hostname. if set string, hostname set on boot.
so if set variable in vagrantfile , boot machine, hostname
variable in ubuntu resolved same value. example, following vagrantfile
vagrant.configure(2) |config| ... config.vm.box = "ubuntu/trusty64" config.vm.hostname = "ubuntu" ...
from vm, get
fhenri@machine:~/project/examples/vagrant/ubuntu$ vagrant ssh welcome ubuntu 12.04.1 lts (gnu/linux 3.2.0-29-virtual x86_64) * documentation: https://help.ubuntu.com/ last login: tue jan 5 10:21:54 2016 vagrant@ubuntu:~$ hostname ubuntu
finally name topic, config/box.vm.name
used name of vm provider (in case virtualbox), quite explained following answer
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