php - Nusoap set and get headers in both client and server side -

i developing simple web service using nusoap , having problem when adding authentication.

currently using setcredentials() method attach username , password request , getting them using $_server['php_auth_user'] in server side.

it works fine, don't want authenticate user every call. need maintain session , according research, after first authentication, server needs send 'session id' attached response header , client should use 'session id' in subsequent calls.

but don't know how set , headers in both request , response. help?

i'm new soap , session, if there wrong thoughts, please point out. thank much.

finally, figured out myself. used simple implementation , insecure, may beginners me.

first, observing nusoap code find easy set , soap headers both in client , server.


$client->getheader();                 //return array containing header elements $client->setheaders('headerstring'); 


$server->responseheaders = 'headerstring';    //set response headers $server->requestheaders                       //get request headers  

second, after first authentication using username/password, saved username in session , sent session id client. client sends session id @ next call instead of username/password.


function someservice (){     global $server;      $valid = false;      $requestheaders = $server->requestheader;      /*get session id request header , open existing sid*/     if(isset($requestheaders['sessiontoken'])){             $sid = $requestheaders['sessiontoken'];             session_id($sid);     }      session_start();      /*if user not verified before, need verify it*/     if(!isset($_session['user'])){             $valid = verifyuser();             if($valid){                     $_session['user'] = $_server['php_auth_user'];             }     }      if($valid || isset($_session['user'])){                                 //user verified or veirified.                     $server->responseheaders = '<sessiontoken>'. session_id() .'</sessiontoken>';             /***               code goes here             ***/     }     else{             return new soap_fault(401,'', 'user not verified!');     } } 


require_once "nusoap.php"; $client = new nusoap_client("auth.wsdl", true);  $authheaders = $client->getheader(); if(isset($authheaders['sessiontoken'])){     $header = '<sessiontoken>'. $authheaders['sessiontoken'] .'</sessiontoken>';     $client->setheaders($header); } else{        $client->setcredentials('username','password','basic'); }  $result = $client->call("someservice", array()); 

again, above simple example , beginner. if have suggestions, please let me know


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