Error activating IProductRepository, ninject issue learning With Apress Pro ASP.NET MVC 5 -
hello i'm reading book "apress pro mvc 5" have downloaded chapter 7, running application using ninject. first issue
1st issue snagit read ninject issue versiĆ³n solved adding code sportsstorewebui web.config:
enter code here <runtime> <assemblybinding xmlns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:asm.v1"> <dependentassembly> <assemblyidentity name="system.web.mvc" publickeytoken="31bf3856ad364e35" /> <bindingredirect oldversion="" newversion="" /> </dependentassembly> </assemblybinding> </runtime>
now when try run app issue.
error activating iproductrepository no matching bindings available, , type not self-bindable.
activation path:
1) injection of dependency iproductrepository
parameter productrepository of constructor of type productcontroller
2) request productcontroller
1) ensure have defined binding iproductrepository
2) if binding defined in module, ensure module has been loaded kernel.
3) ensure have not accidentally created more 1 kernel.
4) if using constructor arguments, ensure parameter name matches constructors parameter name.
5) if using automatic module loading, ensure search path , filters correct.
the content of ninjectwebcommon.cs is
[assembly: webactivatorex.preapplicationstartmethod(typeof(sportsstore.webui.app_start.ninjectwebcommon), "start")] [assembly: webactivatorex.applicationshutdownmethodattribute(typeof(sportsstore.webui.app_start.ninjectwebcommon), "stop")] namespace sportsstore.webui.app_start { using system; using system.web; using microsoft.web.infrastructure.dynamicmodulehelper; using ninject; using ninject.web.common; public static class ninjectwebcommon { private static readonly bootstrapper bootstrapper = new bootstrapper(); /// <summary> /// starts application /// </summary> public static void start() { dynamicmoduleutility.registermodule(typeof(oneperrequesthttpmodule)); dynamicmoduleutility.registermodule(typeof(ninjecthttpmodule)); bootstrapper.initialize(createkernel); } /// <summary> /// stops application. /// </summary> public static void stop() { bootstrapper.shutdown(); } /// <summary> /// creates kernel manage application. /// </summary> /// <returns>the created kernel.</returns> private static ikernel createkernel() { var kernel = new standardkernel(); try { kernel.bind<func<ikernel>>().tomethod(ctx => () => new bootstrapper().kernel); kernel.bind<ihttpmodule>().to<httpapplicationinitializationhttpmodule>(); registerservices(kernel); return kernel; } catch { kernel.dispose(); throw; } } /// <summary> /// load modules or register services here! /// </summary> /// <param name="kernel">the kernel.</param> private static void registerservices(ikernel kernel) { } } }
i have looked don't found error.
thank much.
you didn't add registerservices in ninjectwebcommon:
system.web.mvc.dependencyresolver.setresolver(new ninjectdependencyresolver(kernel));
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