bash - How to use chmod to change the permissions of a file, with a variable -

i'm trying change permission of file, , have path of file stored in array.

chmod 744 ${arrayoffiles[1]} 

the 1 placeholder, in reality i within loop. whenever run command error:

chmod: missing operand after ‘744’ 

and i'm not sure why. have checked ${arrayoffiles[1]} contains full path , does.

i'm not sure why isn't working.

thanks in advance.


local i=0 filepermission="-rwxr--r--" directorypermission="-rwxr-xr-x" (( i=0; i<=${#arrayoffilepermissions[@]}; i++))     if [ "${arrayoffilepermissions[$i]}" != "$filepermission" ];         echo "file ${arrayoffiles[$i]} has wrong permission: ${arrayoffilepermissions[$i]}"         echo ${arrayoffiles[$i]}         chmod 744 ${arrayoffiles[$i]}         echo "this has been changed to: $filepermission"     fi done 

the array arrayoffiles contain file names, , arrayofpermissions contain permissions. trying make permission rwxr--r--.

the if statement running, it's ever trying value array fails, , draws blank


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