sitecore8 - Sitecore Glass Mapper (v4): Add custom query string parameter via RenderImage -

using glass mapper sitecore version 4 (mvc), need following method call:, x => x.photofield, new {cropregion = xmlvalue.getcropregion()}, true, true) 

to result in:

<img src="/sitecore/shell/-/media/default-website/cover.jpg?h=550&amp;w=1600&amp;la=en&amp;hash=2986ca8291803d4a8eac3b5a1c276e27d4877dcc&amp;cropregion=534,11,1348,548" width="1600" height="550" /> 

currently, renderimage call result in cropimage being added attribute rather on query string of image. there seems list of values that, if passed in renderimage, added query string parameters rather attributes, , list seems defined in main config class:

            imagequerystring = new hashset<string>(new[]         {             imageparameterkeys.output_method,             imageparameterkeys.allow_stretch,             imageparameterkeys.ignore_aspect_ratio,             imageparameterkeys.scale,             imageparameterkeys.max_width,             imageparameterkeys.max_height,             imageparameterkeys.thumbnail,             imageparameterkeys.background_color,             imageparameterkeys.database,             imageparameterkeys.language,             imageparameterkeys.version,             imageparameterkeys.disable_media_cache,             imageparameterkeys.width,             imageparameterkeys.height         }); 

so, question is: what's best way me add "cropregion" image parameter key hashset? should write own config file , substitute stock glass mapper config class? or there way me insert value hashset when glass initialized?

i think should able add single line glassmappersccustom.createresolver method. try this:

public static idependencyresolver createresolver(){     var config = new;     config.imagequerystring.add("cropregion");      var dependencyresolver = new dependencyresolver(config);     // add changes standard resolver here     return dependencyresolver; } 


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