reactjs - How to reuse this little block of code in React.js? -

i'm total react newb, here code have:

var examplecomponent = react.createclass({   getinitialstate: function() {     return {close: false};   },   handleclick: function(event) {     this.setstate({close: !this.state.close});   }, });    var buttonthing = react.createclass({    <examplecomponent />,    render: function() {     <div> yo </div>     );   }  }); 

where "examplecomponent" can used in multiple places? i've tried have above , putting in "examplecomponent" straight, no luck. or going wrong?

code reuse in react facilitated concept called mixins.

the react docs give concise example.

for case

var examplemixin = {   getinitialstate: function() {    return {close: false};   },   handleclick: function(event) {     this.setstate({close: !this.state.close});   } } var buttonthing = react.createclass({   mixins: [examplemixin], // use mixin   render: function() {     return (<div> yo </div> );   }  }); 


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