django - accessing python object list -

i'm trying retrieve list of images in directory, , store list attribute of class. when try list object appears empty.this class:

class hunting(models.model):     code = models.charfield(max_length=10)      description = models.charfield(max_length=500)     images = {}      def __str__(self):         res = ''         image in self.images:             res = res+image         return res      def __unicode__(self):         return 

and populate , read list:

page = int(page) huntings = paginator(hunting.objects.all(), 9) images = {} hunting in     dir_name = settings.images_root+'\\theme1\\images\\cotos\\'+str('\\'  # insert path directory     path = os.path.join(settings.static_url, dir_name)     print >>sys.stderr, '--path:' + path     if os.path.exists(path):            print >>sys.stderr, '--list image hunting '+str('--'         img_list = os.listdir(path)         hunting.images=img_list         print >>sys.stderr, hunting.images hunting in     print >>sys.stderr, '*******hunting '+str(':'     print >>sys.stderr, hunting.images 

so, when iterating first time , printing hunting.images list got:

--list image hunting 2-- ['1_tn.jpg', '2_tn.jpg', '3_tn.jpg', '4_tn.jpg'] --list image hunting 4-- ['coto10.png', 'coto11.png', 'coto12.png'] 

but second iteration, trying list stored before empty list

*******hunting 2: {} *******hunting 4: {} 

i think happened call both of loops. first loop did assign images result of, didn't keep result, second loop call again , got same initial result before.

i'm not sure want achieve here, need return value first in variable update it:

# keep return value in variable huntings huntings = [for hunting in] hunting in huntings:     # hunting.images = img_list  hunting in huntings:     print >>sys.stderr, hunting.images 


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