c# - How can i keep track of which randomly selected model was generated so it won't repeat again? -

this code generated random game object because there 9 game objects randomly generated object keeps re-generating more 1 time. how can restrict that, , have 1 game object generated once ?

     public gameobject[] models;      public static gameobject currentpoint;      int index;      public static string randomname;      public audiosource findthenumber;  public void playnumbers()     {              models = gameobject.findgameobjectswithtag ("numbers");         index = random.range (0,models.length);         currentpoint = models [index];         randomname = currentpoint.name;         print ("trackable " + randomname);         findthenumber.play ();         currentpoint.getcomponent<audiosource> ().playdelayed(2);       } 

if i've understood correctly, how keeping track of selected game objects in separate list.

    public static list<gameobject> models;     public static list<gameobject> selectedmodels = new list<gameobject>();     public static gameobject currentpoint;     int index;     public static string randomname;     public audiosource findthenumber;     public static random random = new random();      public void playnumbers()     {            models = gameobject.findgameobjectswithtag("numbers").except(selectedmodels).tolist();          if ((models == null) || (!models.any()))         {             console.writeline("no new game objects");         }         else         {             index = random.next(models.count);             currentpoint = models[index];             randomname = currentpoint.name;             print ("trackable " + randomname);             findthenumber.play ();             currentpoint.getcomponent<audiosource> ().playdelayed(2);              selectedmodels.add(currentpoint);         } } 


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