arrays - How check if a string is substring with indexof [JAVASCRIPT] -

i have method:

function issubstring(word,array){} 

this method, given array of words , word, tries if word substring of others words in array.

for(var i=0;i<array.length;i++){          if(json.stringify(array[i]).indexof(json.stringify(word))>0){             return 1;         }     }     return 0; 

for example array=['home','dog'] , word='ho';

word ho sub string of home method wrong. can me?

you don't need json.stringify(), use string.prototype.indexof()

the indexof() method returns index within calling string object of first occurrence of specified value, starting search @ fromindex. returns -1 if value not found.

if(array[i].indexof(word) >-1 ){ 


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