bash - lua os.execute doesn't work if the script runs from /etc/rc.local -

i have simple lua script listens particular event , fire post request web service start call , send mail.

#!/usr/bin/lua -- february 2015, suxsem  local sock      = require("socket") local mosq      = require("mosquitto")  local mqtt ="sonny_lua_scattato", true) mqtt:login_set("***", "***")  local call = function (from, to)         os.execute([[curl -x post '***/calls.json' \                 --data-urlencode 'to=]] .. .. [[' \                 --data-urlencode 'from=]] .. .. [[' \                 -d 'url=' \                 -d 'method=get' \                 -d 'fallbackmethod=get' \                 -d 'statuscallbackmethod=get' \                 -d 'timeout=20' \                 -d 'record=false' \                 -u ***:***> twiliolog.txt]]) end  local callback = function (mid, topic, message)         print("received: " .. topic .. ": " .. message)              if topic == "arsenialarm/scattato"                  local call_from = "+393317893***"                 local call_to = {"+393299573***",                                       "+393473621***",                                       "+393492829***"}                  i, in ipairs(call_to)                         call(call_from, to)                 end                  local rcpt = {"semer***.stef***",                                 "miky.semer***"}                  local sbj = "antifurto arseni"                 local bdy = "antifurto arseni - " .."%t - %d/%m/%y")                 os.execute('echo -e "to: ' .. table.concat(rcpt, ",") .. '\r\nsubject: ' .. sbj .. '\r\n\r\n' .. bdy .. '" | msmtp --from=default -t')          end  end  mqtt:callback_set("on_message", callback)  local connected = false  mqtt:callback_set("on_connect", function ()         print("connected")         connected = true         mqtt:subscribe("arsenialarm/scattato", 2) end) mqtt:callback_set("on_disconnect", function ()         print("disconnected")         connected = false end)  mqtt:connect("", 1883, 60)  while true         mqtt:loop()         if connected                 sock.sleep(1.0) -- seconds         else                 sock.sleep(5.0)                 mqtt:reconnect()         end end 

now... run script following command:

cd /root/mqtt_client/ ; lua /root/mqtt_client/mqtt_scattato.lua & 

everything works good, receive tha call , mail , in twiliolog.txt (if @ code "curl ... > twiliolog.txt" start call) can see twilio response.


if put same command (cd /root/mqtt_client/ ; lua /root/mqtt_client/mqtt_scattato.lua &) inside /etc/rc.local strange happens: 1) receive mail not call! 2) twiliolog.txt (output of curl) correctly created it's empty!

my platform router openwrt barrier breaker.

i hope can me, thanks!

i ended removing os.execute call entirely. i'm using lua native https sockets:

local https = require("ssl.https") local call = function (from, to)         local body = "to=" .. .. "&from=" .. .. "&url="         https.request {                 protocol = "tlsv1",                 method="post",                 url="***/calls.json",                 source=ltn12.source.string(body),                 headers = {["content-length"] = #body, ["content-type"] = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"},                 user="***",                 password="***",         } end 

i'm still using os.execute send mail , works fine, think problem related combination of curl + os.execute + start script on boot.

i have still no clue problem cause behaviour


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